
One Thing That Has Changed Me in 2024

In January of 2024, I went to a conference called Align and heard Kute Blackson speak on surrender. It wasn’t a topic I had thought much about because as a leader of a company, I felt it was my job to be in control. This talk opened my mind to a new possibility of living.

I had always viewed surrender as something weak people did, but after I heard Kute speak and read his book, “The Magic of Surrender”, I knew I had gotten it wrong. Kute says “Real freedom is surrendering to the life you were truly born to live.” When I really thought about it, I couldn’t make the best moments in my life happen – dating and marrying Jeff, meeting 2 sets of best friends at different apartments we lived in 20+ years ago, or having the opportunity to open Orangetheory.

I am slowly changing my mindset of having to be in control to surrendering to what life has for me. That doesn’t mean I sit and wait for the next direction. Kute says, “Surrender is not denial. Surrender is facing reality. Surrender is not being powerless. It is being empowered.” There are lots of times I have gotten it wrong, but there is one situation I am really using surrender right now.

I had hip surgery 2 years ago. It has never felt quite right, but at the end of last year I was having a lot of pain. I got an MRI in January and there were several things going on, one being a torn hamstring. In talking with my doctor, he said no exercise for a month… that has turned into 3 and I am in the process of rehabbing it now. Normally this would have thrown me in a tailspin because exercise was the way I deal with stress. It hasn’t been easy, but I have really tried to change my perspective and use surrender. As upset as I could get, it wouldn’t heal my leg.

I started to ask myself, “What I am supposed to learn from this?” I am a big fan of monthly goals, and in February, I looked at what I could do. I had always wanted to do meditation but never felt like I had time. Now I had the time! I love to sit in the sauna and now I get in most mornings for bible study and meditation.

I really had to put my nutrition knowledge to work and test everything I had been learning the last few years because I was significantly changing my activity level. Eating for health and healing verses eating to be a certain weight. Believing the ideal weight comes when you eat this way and not having to count every calorie. I incorporated an everyday slow movement to still get a high number of steps. I started to lift arms and do abs to keep as much muscle as possible. Would I have wanted a torn hamstring – no. Have I learned a lot from it – yes!

There have been multiple other situations at home and work that I have been challenged to surrender. Sometimes I get it right and other times, the control still comes out.

My question for you is: what is the thing, the situation, or the relationship that you need to surrender? The 1st step is to stop pretending it is ok. Listen to your body and your feelings. Face the reality and be open to the outcome, along the way asking, “What is this teaching me?”

Two Books that I love on Surrender:
The Magic of Surrender
The Surrender Experiment

I believe health is the foundational pillar in life. “If you have your health, you can focus on a million things. If you don’t, you focus on one.” We have to be intentional about our health. 

We all pay for health. Sometimes we pay upfront for a membership, taking time to work out, and eating healthy.

Other times we pay on the back end.

Here are a few challenges I give myself (I am great at copying what others do, so I always try to give examples):


Plan 3 workouts this week

Right now I am doing upper body lift because of a torn hamstring. They aren’t the workouts I want to do, yet they are what my body can do. What are the right workouts for you in this season? Strength or Tread 50 can be a great way to make a change.

Meal prep

Plan your meals. It is one of the biggest keys to success. Eat as much as you can from home. It saves money and you control the ingredients. I get it takes time, but the ROI is high!

Do non-exercise movement:

Can you make sure you get 8,000-10,000 steps a day? Be intentional about moving when possible. Especially if you have a desk job – take calls walking around the office or block if possible. Set a timer every hour and do 10 push-ups and 10 squats.

Other Pillars for Intentional Living



Scheduling date night, time with the kids, family dinners, vacations. Intentionally trying to connect because my teenagers don’t typically want to just hang out with their mom…unless they need me to pay for something!

Friends and Community

I divide this up into 3 areas. My inner circle – my close friends. I try to connect as often as possible. Next is my “Corner” – 8-10 people that aren’t my closest friends but may be people I work with or friendships that are developing. Last is community. This is the group of people I know and like. We share interests and these people can become part of my corner. Taking time for all 3 categories is helpful for me!


I know I operate better with quiet time in the morning. That is either a bible study, prayer, or meditation. I have a mind that goes all over, and grounding it in faith has become something that is a non-negotiable for me. I used to get up and workout or work and my days significantly changed when I started with quiet time.


Because I own businesses and payroll happens every 2 weeks, this is one I pay attention to. Knowing your numbers and living within your means can be one of the best ways to reduce stress. I try to intentionally know our numbers, expenses, what we can save, and what we can give. Without being intentional, saving and giving don’t often happen.

Do you want to live an intentional life? 

You can! 

Pick one area today and start! If you need to focus on health – start there!! If you are doing well in the health category, pick another area!! 

Remember it is our daily decisions that change our life. 
Remember the person you want to be at the end of 2024!

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