
Five Favorite Tools and Resources

Happy beginning of summer!  This week I wanted to share with you some of my favorite tools and resources that I use to help me maintain a healthy life style.  From the products I trust, to questions I am asking, to an event I am attending!  I am bringing you insights and recommendations to support your own health journey. Whether you’re looking to boost your physical fitness, enhance your mental well-being, or simply find new sources of inspiration.   

My favorite protein powder

Truvani  Chocolate peanut butter is my favorite flavor but all are good!  I have written a lot about the importance of protein, especially as we age.  My goal is 1 gram per pound of what I weigh.  I typically do this in a day, but need a protein powder.  I have tried so many and discovered I don’t do well with whey protein, it often causes me to breakout.  I changed to plant and love it.  This one tastes amazing and it is very clean.  I love the owner – check her out on social media – Food Babe 

One thing I just learned

You can use an HSA for your gym membership if it is deemed medically necessary.  I haven’t used the company before but for $15 Dr. B (https://hidrb.com/care/hsa-fsa/fitness) can determine if it is medically necessary for you and give you a letter.   May be a great way to use HSA dollars.  It seems like exercise is medically necessary for everyone! 

Favorite new product

Walking Pad   I love this walking pad and have it in my office.  I can often work long days and if I am not careful sit that whole time.  I get outside as much as possible, but sometimes on a call, I need to see my screen or don’t want outside noise.  I can get on my walking pad and move between 2-3 mph so it is still easy to keep a conversation.  It has significantly helped my step count.  I did research on these and this one was cost effective, had a bar which I like and goes up to 6.2 mph (although I don’t use it for speed). 

Question I am asking myself

“What is the win?”  My middle son, Christopher just graduated high school and it made me realize again how fast time goes.  I want to be intentional with my time and actions.  I believe we all want to win in life with the things that matter the most.  The issue for me is often, I don’t take time to really get clear on what that is and what the win is.  I am journaling what is the win for business, personal, family, health for the summer.  Join me in answering those questions for yourself!

One thing I am excited about attending

I love the Global Leadership Summit.  It is an amazing tool to help leaders get better.  When the leader gets better, everyone wins!  Don’t miss this event Aug 8 & 9th.  It is televised around the globe.  Check out a site near year!  This is a must for me very year! 
If you have tools and resources that really help you, I would love to hear about them!  Email me to share!

If you want more tips on how to live healthier and longer, check out this week’s podcast episode!  Belldon went from having 3 heart attacks and Type 2 Diabetes to living a healthy and vibrant life!!  

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