Is your life saying what you want it to?

Have you ever thought about what story you’re telling with your life? A couple of years ago, I read the book Strength to Strength. It’s all about living the second half of life well. Regardless of your age, I believe we all want to tell a great story with our lives.

What gets in the way? Life! The day-to-day routine! About a month ago, I was at dinner with a group of friends, and we all decided to take turns planning an adventure for the group, one per month. We went in alphabetical order, and I was up first.

I had just heard Lloyd Reebs speak—you can hear his TED Talk [HERE]. He spoke about transitioning your life from success to significance. Inspired by his message, I made little workbooks for my friends and asked them a few questions. Many of these came from Lloyd’s talk. I would challenge you to bookmark this and take some time to reflect or journal on these questions:

You can deeply love 10 people at a time in life—extravagantly! 

Who are the 10 people you want to love well? (Family counts if you want them on the list). This question made me think. Jeff and our three kids take up four spots already, which doesn’t leave a lot of room.

Next, think about how you will love them. 

Often, we think of gifts, but most people already have what they need. Maybe it’s not about gifts—it could be time, acts of service, a text, a card… There are so many ways to show people you care.

Finally, when will you do this?

One of my favorite sayings is, “What gets scheduled gets done.” If these people are the most important in your life, put them on your calendar. It can be as simple as setting a reminder to send a text.

Here’s an example:
JeffLeave a sticky note16th of each month (I set a reminder)
ChristopherSend something in the mail2nd Monday of each month (He’s new in college and loves mail.)
Next, I asked them: If life turned out perfectly, what would that look like for you? Have you ever thought about it? I didn’t ask them to answer right away because it takes real reflection. I know this because I’ve thought about it. I told Jeff my answer and asked him for his. He just gave me a blank stare… he’s getting back to me!

Take some time to think about your bucket list. What items do you want to check off? What things bring you joy?  Make a joy list. They can be super simple. When we do this, it helps us live with intention and purpose.

I truly believe that when we live on purpose with passion, it gives others permission to do the same.
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