Join my August Challenge
Have you been watching the Olympics? We have it on every night and are absolutely loving it! The athletes’ dedication and achievements are incredibly inspiring, and they motivate me to take my health to the next level.
Let’s focus on health together! It doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Join me for my August challenge, where we’ll focus on one key aspect of health each week. By September, we’ll combine all the habits we’ve built.
Week 1 Focus: Movement
This week, our focus is on movement with two simple goals:
Walk 7,000+ steps per day.
If you’re already hitting this mark, can you add an extra 1,000 steps per day for a week?
Complete 2 strength training workouts.
Building muscle is key to longevity. Remember, if you don’t use it, you lose it! Orangetheory classes or any strength training sessions are perfect. If there’s no OTF near you, body weight exercises or lifting at the gym will work.
Week 2 Focus: Protein
Next week, we’ll focus on protein intake. Under-eating protein can lead to overeating calories. I find that being intentional about protein is crucial. Here are the goals for week 2:
Start your day with 30 grams of protein in your first meal.
This sets you up for success, keeps you full, and helps limit cravings.
Eat 1 gram of protein per pound of your ideal body weight.
For example, if your goal weight is 150 pounds, aim for 150 grams of protein.
Remember, small, consistent habits make big differences over time. Having a plan is key!
Week 3: Sleep
This week the focus is sleep. You might not be able to control everything that affects your sleep, but you can focus on a few key habits to improve it:
Bedtime Routine:
Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Consistency helps regulate your body’s internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally.
No Late-Night Snacks:
Avoid eating before bed. Late-night snacks can disrupt digestion and raise your body temperature, making it harder to fall asleep. Remember, your body needs time to rest, not digest!
Skip the Alcohol:
While a nightcap might help you fall asleep quicker, alcohol can disrupt your sleep cycles, leaving you groggy and tired the next day. Interesting fact: Alcohol reduces REM sleep, the deep sleep phase where dreaming occurs and the brain processes information. This can lead to a less restful night and increase the likelihood of waking up during the night.
Week 4: Community
Week four, we focus on building and strengthening our communities. Here’s the challenge:
Reach Out:
Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Reconnecting can bring a sense of joy and fulfillment.
Prioritize Connections:
Make it a point to connect with others at work, in the studio, or any place you frequent.
Try Something New:
Join a group, volunteer, go to church, or participate in an event. Stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to meaningful connections.
We were made for connection, and it’s up to us to create space for it in our busy lives. I constantly challenge myself to “be where my feet are”—to be present with the person I’m with because it’s the greatest gift you can give.
How will you create or deepen your sense of community next week?
Looking Ahead to September
In September, we’re taking it up a notch. We’ll combine all the challenges from August into a month-long focus on movement, nutrition, sleep, and community. Get ready to see the impact these small, consistent changes can make on your overall well-being.
Let’s finish August strong and prepare to embrace September with full energy!