
Exercise Hacks for Busy Schedules

I used to be the person that wouldn’t bother to work out if I didn’t have at least an hour.  One of the reasons I fell in love with Orangetheory is because it is efficient. One hour for cardio and strength combined. However, research has shown, even if you workout and then sit the remainder of the day, your health can struggle.

Here are ideas I have implemented to help me stay moving:

What gets scheduled gets done.

I pull out my calendar every Sunday and book my workouts. I treat them just like a meeting and typically won’t adjust what is scheduled. 

Sitting Less

I often sit for several hours a day doing work on the computer. If I am not careful, a few hours will go by and I haven’t gotten up from my desk. I am sure you have read that sitting is the new smoking, but how do we combat that? Here are several ways I do it:

  • Anytime I am on a call that doesn’t have video – I am out of my seat walking. It could be around my house, on my walking pad (love this!), or around my block. I track my steps and go for at least 10,000 every day. It is easy if I walk and talk. If I sit and talk, it is much more difficult. Here is the walking pad I use and love!
  • 25 push-ups during the day. It takes less than 1 minute and they can be done from your knees. Doing pushups can be a great way to improve your arm strength if you do them consistently. Set an alarm on your phone if necessary to remind you!
  • 10-minute yoga or stretching in the morning or night. I am not getting more flexible as I age…and you probably are not either. A 10-minute yoga flow or stretching is so helpful for me in the morning or if I am watching TV at night. There are also several options on the Orangetheory app.

These last three don’t take me extra time to schedule an additional workout. I walk while I work. I do push-ups when I am waiting for the microwave, and I stretch while I watch TV. On the weekends, we spend a lot of time at basketball tournaments. I walk before games, try to stand at half time and walk between games. 
I give you these examples because I know you are busy. You don’t have extra hours in your day. I believe that with intention, you can fit these ideas it into your day. But it won’t happen by accident. If you want to move more, I would invite you to pick one and start today! If you are like me that requires a reminder on your phone! Together we can be healthier!

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